Monday 22 October 2012

The Cutting Board

This is a mixtape done by a special bro of mine "Zeek" this a dope roster featuring some really deep cats.
Check it Out

Friday 19 October 2012

You have the type of beauty that does NOT fade with age, for it is the type of beauty that flows from fearing Jehovah!  The most expensive clothing you will ever wear will not be from a designer’s closet, but from the life purchased by “The Designer’s” Son – the clothing of righteousness. You are daughters of God and you inherit His features; you have His kindness, gentleness and beauty. There are no brothers in the world that should be more proud of their sisters than we are.  Along with this, there should be no brothers in the world who are more jealous for their sisters than we are.  When I say jealous, I don’t mean jealous of you because I am envious of wanting something that doesn’t belong to me. But rather,  I am jealous for you in the way the Bible calls, godly jealously (2Cor. 11:2), in which I zealously want God to have what belongs to Him,  your undivided devotion.  Sisters,  you live in a society where femininity is almost completely lost.  Women are said to be “lady like” when they are sex hungry, materialistic, independent, deranged, and have serial relationships.  And truthfully, most of what we know about womanhood, especially  sex, sexuality and dating, has NOT come from good teachers but from this world.  There is so much competing for your heart dear sister and it is my earnest desire to guard and protect you.
There is a real enemy against you, and one of his greatest tools is the simple phrase: “Everybody is doing it.”  What the world needs is more godly women who take a stand on the bible. You will be most influential on everybody else when you are most  unlike everybody else.  My hope is to give you some brotherly guidance to help protect your purity and develop your growth in the Lord.  Lets start with biblical courtship.  Here are some thoughts from a jealous brother:
God is not interested in developing you into the perfect girlfriend, but into an exemplary wife.  For the women of God, there is but one reason why you should allow a man to draw near to you and that is for the purpose of marriage.
If a man is not ready to commit to you then he is not ready to court you. There is nothing more wasteful than dating for fun. This is the epitome of how the world practices things, where commitment means “test driving.”  And then after you’ve spilled coffee on the seats, used up the gas and dented the doors you leave the car for somebody else to maintain.
Men and even “Christian men” are greatly responsible for this, but sisters you are not off the hook because you allow it.  At all times, my beloved sister, you are another man’s wife.  You belong to your future husband or collectively to the bride of Christ, but in either case, you are not your own and are not available for “test driving.”  YOU WILL do tremendous damage to your life if you join the “serial monogamy” of modern dating. Hopping from one committed relationship to the next does not give you experience on how to stay committed to one man all life long. Rather, it teaches you to leave when things are not working out, and find somebody else. In other words, you’re being trained to divorce in the future.  Contrary to popular belief, experience is not your strongest ally in a relationship, biblical wisdom is. The world would have you live and learn but the bible will have you learn and live.
There is a such thing as the gift of singleness and it is not the Lord’s will for everyone to marry.  But I’ve come to believe that the “gift” of singleness is the same thing as the “state” of singleness. Figuring out if you have “the gift” or not is not of supreme importance because with or without “the gift” you are called to live a God-devoted life in your singleness.  I know of several men and women who are in their late 50′s and have never been married.  They would say that they have the gift of singleness, but almost all of them still desire to marry. It’s difficult to be single, but it is also difficult to be married. There is not a gift that makes singleness easier just like there is no gift that makes marriage easier. The phrase, “You complete me,” is a romanticized misunderstanding.  We are not half beings hoping to find completion in some soul mate. We are whole beings made for God.  You will only be complete in Him and that must be done with or without a spouse.  I know the common question is, “Will I ever get married?” Well i don’t know, but if you are in Christ, I do know that you will never be alone.
What He must Be

Sisters you should only embrace a man that loves God more than He loves you. Only settle for a man who can lead you spiritually, who is capable of washing you in the Word. It would be tremendously better to remain single than to become one with someone who does not love Jesus. I understand that there are cases where the Lord has been gracious to save non-believing spouses, but know that is not ideal or normative. A man is incapable of loving you like Christ loved the church if He is does not know who Christ is.
Now I must warn you that you should equally be aware of brothers who are indeed christian, but indeed boys. Being a Christian doesn’t make you worthy of a wife.
Sisters, look for a man who knows the gospel, and will physically lay his life down for you like Jesus did for his bride. Look for a man who values sexual purity and avoids being in compromising environments with you. You want a man who knows where he is going in life and is not known to be inconsistent and irresponsible. Ladies, HE NEEDS TO HAVE A JOB (or at least be on His way to having a job). Not only is he to be a provider for the family, but he needs to know the necessity and difficulty of being industrious. If you are feeding him, clothing him and transporting him to places every week, then there might be an issue. Don’t settle for anything less than a worthy man.

What You must Be
Sisters you must learn to be attractive without being seductive.
The bible says, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” (1 Pet. 3:3-4)
The world will tell you that the way to keep a man is through your curves and body parts. And I say to you sister, any man that is kept by body parts is not worth keeping. Always remember, “What you catch them with is what you catch them to.” If a brother ONLY wants you because of the way you look, he will stop wanting you when you cease to look that way or a better looking woman comes along. Both will happen. Dress to impress a man’s spirit, not his lust. Check your motives, get godly counsel and intentionally try to serve your brothers by dressing modestly. Modesty is not old fashioned, but godliness on display. Allow a man to discover your beauty on his own rather than flaunting what you think he’ll like. I do encourage you to stay in shape, work out, and maintain a healthy size proportional to your body type. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking good, your future husband will appreciate that. I see no biblical reason that forbids you from letting a man know how you feel about him, and putting yourself in an environment where connection can happen. But this information should flow out of a pure friendship, and those environments are most ideal in group settings. Don’t be secretive with your relationship – drown yourself in wise counsel. Thats what I did and I continue to do so, and it is one of the the most helpful tools in my marriage today.
Conclusion and Contentment
I know that many of you have been told that your concern in singleness should be contentment in Christ and not getting married.  And although your concern should be contentment in Christ, wanting to get married is not a threat to that concern.  Your desire to have a man, is a good and godly desire.  It only becomes a problem when that desire for a future husband disrupts your present pursuit of the Lord – when that desire turns into doubt and you question if the Lord knows what He’s doing. Getting married does not fix our issues of contentment, it only give us another person to be discontent with.  Contentment is satisfaction that is unmoved by circumstance because it only comes from having Jesus.
Grace to you my beloved sisters….

KB's Letter to the Ladies

You have the type of beauty that does NOT fade with age, for it is the type of beauty that flows from fearing Jehovah!  The most expensive clothing you will ever wear will not be from a designer’s closet, but from the life purchased by “The Designer’s” Son – the clothing of righteousness. You are daughters of God and you inherit His features; you have His kindness, gentleness and beauty. There are no brothers in the world that should be more proud of their sisters than we are.  Along with this, there should be no brothers in the world who are more jealous for their sisters than we are.  When I say jealous, I don’t mean jealous of you because I am envious of wanting something that doesn’t belong to me. But rather,  I am jealous for you in the way the Bible calls, godly jealously (2Cor. 11:2), in which I zealously want God to have what belongs to Him,  your undivided devotion.  Sisters,  you live in a society where femininity is almost completely lost.  Women are said to be “lady like” when they are sex hungry, materialistic, independent, deranged, and have serial relationships.  And truthfully, most of what we know about womanhood, especially  sex, sexuality and dating, has NOT come from good teachers but from this world.  There is so much competing for your heart dear sister and it is my earnest desire to guard and protect you.
There is a real enemy against you, and one of his greatest tools is the simple phrase: “Everybody is doing it.”  What the world needs is more godly women who take a stand on the bible. You will be most influential on everybody else when you are most  unlike everybody else.  My hope is to give you some brotherly guidance to help protect your purity and develop your growth in the Lord.  Lets start with biblical courtship.  Here are some thoughts from a jealous brother:
God is not interested in developing you into the perfect girlfriend, but into an exemplary wife.  For the women of God, there is but one reason why you should allow a man to draw near to you and that is for the purpose of marriage.
If a man is not ready to commit to you then he is not ready to court you. There is nothing more wasteful than dating for fun. This is the epitome of how the world practices things, where commitment means “test driving.”  And then after you’ve spilled coffee on the seats, used up the gas and dented the doors you leave the car for somebody else to maintain.
Men and even “Christian men” are greatly responsible for this, but sisters you are not off the hook because you allow it.  At all times, my beloved sister, you are another man’s wife.  You belong to your future husband or collectively to the bride of Christ, but in either case, you are not your own and are not available for “test driving.”  YOU WILL do tremendous damage to your life if you join the “serial monogamy” of modern dating. Hopping from one committed relationship to the next does not give you experience on how to stay committed to one man all life long. Rather, it teaches you to leave when things are not working out, and find somebody else. In other words, you’re being trained to divorce in the future.  Contrary to popular belief, experience is not your strongest ally in a relationship, biblical wisdom is. The world would have you live and learn but the bible will have you learn and live.
There is a such thing as the gift of singleness and it is not the Lord’s will for everyone to marry.  But I’ve come to believe that the “gift” of singleness is the same thing as the “state” of singleness. Figuring out if you have “the gift” or not is not of supreme importance because with or without “the gift” you are called to live a God-devoted life in your singleness.  I know of several men and women who are in their late 50′s and have never been married.  They would say that they have the gift of singleness, but almost all of them still desire to marry. It’s difficult to be single, but it is also difficult to be married. There is not a gift that makes singleness easier just like there is no gift that makes marriage easier. The phrase, “You complete me,” is a romanticized misunderstanding.  We are not half beings hoping to find completion in some soul mate. We are whole beings made for God.  You will only be complete in Him and that must be done with or without a spouse.  I know the common question is, “Will I ever get married?” Well i don’t know, but if you are in Christ, I do know that you will never be alone.
What He must Be

Sisters you should only embrace a man that loves God more than He loves you. Only settle for a man who can lead you spiritually, who is capable of washing you in the Word. It would be tremendously better to remain single than to become one with someone who does not love Jesus. I understand that there are cases where the Lord has been gracious to save non-believing spouses, but know that is not ideal or normative. A man is incapable of loving you like Christ loved the church if He is does not know who Christ is.
Now I must warn you that you should equally be aware of brothers who are indeed christian, but indeed boys. Being a Christian doesn’t make you worthy of a wife.
Sisters, look for a man who knows the gospel, and will physically lay his life down for you like Jesus did for his bride. Look for a man who values sexual purity and avoids being in compromising environments with you. You want a man who knows where he is going in life and is not known to be inconsistent and irresponsible. Ladies, HE NEEDS TO HAVE A JOB (or at least be on His way to having a job). Not only is he to be a provider for the family, but he needs to know the necessity and difficulty of being industrious. If you are feeding him, clothing him and transporting him to places every week, then there might be an issue. Don’t settle for anything less than a worthy man.

What You must Be
Sisters you must learn to be attractive without being seductive.
The bible says, “Do not let your adornment be merely outward-arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel-rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” (1 Pet. 3:3-4)
The world will tell you that the way to keep a man is through your curves and body parts. And I say to you sister, any man that is kept by body parts is not worth keeping. Always remember, “What you catch them with is what you catch them to.” If a brother ONLY wants you because of the way you look, he will stop wanting you when you cease to look that way or a better looking woman comes along. Both will happen. Dress to impress a man’s spirit, not his lust. Check your motives, get godly counsel and intentionally try to serve your brothers by dressing modestly. Modesty is not old fashioned, but godliness on display. Allow a man to discover your beauty on his own rather than flaunting what you think he’ll like. I do encourage you to stay in shape, work out, and maintain a healthy size proportional to your body type. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking good, your future husband will appreciate that. I see no biblical reason that forbids you from letting a man know how you feel about him, and putting yourself in an environment where connection can happen. But this information should flow out of a pure friendship, and those environments are most ideal in group settings. Don’t be secretive with your relationship – drown yourself in wise counsel. Thats what I did and I continue to do so, and it is one of the the most helpful tools in my marriage today.
Conclusion and Contentment
I know that many of you have been told that your concern in singleness should be contentment in Christ and not getting married.  And although your concern should be contentment in Christ, wanting to get married is not a threat to that concern.  Your desire to have a man, is a good and godly desire.  It only becomes a problem when that desire for a future husband disrupts your present pursuit of the Lord – when that desire turns into doubt and you question if the Lord knows what He’s doing. Getting married does not fix our issues of contentment, it only give us another person to be discontent with.  Contentment is satisfaction that is unmoved by circumstance because it only comes from having Jesus.
Grace to you my beloved sisters….

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Expository Rapping Intro article

I'm sure that most of you have heard the term 'expository preaching' and maybe heard Shai Linnes 'Expositional Preaching' in Lamp Mode Recordings album 'The Church'. To help you clearly understand what this I'm going to break down what this means in simple English. Expository preaching is all about getting into a text in the Bible by exegetical and hermeneutical means. Its about exposing a text and getting truth from it. I'll break this down further at another time.

Just like 'expository preaching', I like to bring out a similar objective when writing my rhymes, hence the word 'expository rapping' which aims to get truth out of a text or topic that will always point the hearer to Christ. 

Over the next few weeks I will break down the components of what 'expository rapping' is about, today I will bring out the fundamental element that both expository rapping and preaching should both have.

The fundamental element that both of these expository works should have is a theocentric (God centered) and cross centered foundation. If this foundation is not set we would fail to glorify God in what we do if He is not at the center of all we do. This foundation is built by getting to know who God is and what He asks of us, this is done by getting into the word of God and getting it in you. The Word of God (The Bible) is the means God uses to communicate  to His people, it is through this means that we get to know Him and know His commandments to us.

The cross is where true Christianity stems from, if we lose sight of it we lose sight of what Christianity is all about. Expository rapping and preaching aims to get truth, without a theocentric and crosscentric foundation, there will be no truth.

I will further get into this in the 2nd article on expository rapping. 

Grace and Peace,


Here are the lyrics of Shai Linnes track on expositional preaching,

Verse 1
With our raps we adore our Master and Lord
Jesus Christ who deserves all our claps and applause
For the wrath that he bore
At the cross for our blasphemous thoughts and the classless acts of a whore!
He gave up His life with a passionate roar
Was raised up to heights where He sat at before
After this all he gave Pastors the call to ministry found in Second Timothy chapter 4
Verse 1 and 2, what I first wanna do is come to you the church to reverse a funny view
So let me ask a question: What’s most essential, what is it that gives a local church its potential?
Some would say, ‘Music’, some would say, ‘Deacons’
Other say, ‘Reaching the lost and soul seeking’
But if we wanna give God the glory in our meetin’s
The most important thing is: Expository Preaching!

Chorus 1
Where are the Whitfields? Where are the Spurgeons?
To preach the word, to preach the word
We sound theology to deal with reality
Preach the word, so preach the word
We’ve got enough rappers we need more pastors
To preach the word, to preach the word
We need explanation and deep application
Preach the word, so preach the word

This verse right here is for the congregation
It’s whatcy’all need to be listening for

 Verse 2
Let me explain what I mean, it’s not too complex
It’s preaching God’s Word in its proper context
As you listen be discerning, what you have to determine: Was the point of the passage the point of the sermon?
If not this problem must be confronted today ‘cos he just used the bible to say what he wanted to say (what?!)
And even if it’s delivered with fire and intelligence that’s basically making what God has inspired irrelevant
Instead of applying the Word’s realities a lot of Pastors are relying on personality
But gifts of communication can never be a true replacement for the Holy Spirit’s illumination
Without exposition you’ll lack major profit, all you’ll get is tradition and your Pastor’s favourite topics
And that can be a slippery slope, the Word should be giving you hope, this dude is just giving you jokes
That won’t help you love Christ, it won’t help your obedience
We need more expositors, not more comedians (that’s right!)
Expect for true labour in the text then faithfully connecting to the Saviour, then wait for its effects
God gives the increase: holiness, love, unity. The Word faithfully preached builds up the whole community
If not, your Sunday meal will not last and you’ll have to supplement it with the Podcast

Chorus 2
Don’t entertain us, that won’t sustain us
Preach the Word, so preach the Word
Careful instruction, not a big production
Preach the Word, so preach the Word
We don’t need theatrics or man centred tactics
Preach the Word, so preach the Word
We’re on the brink of eternity, so please speak earnestly
Preach the Word, so preach the Word

This verse here is for the Pastors, I just wanna encourage y’all

Verse 3
Y’all should be mindful of this devout thesis: all of the Bible is about Jesus!
The Old Testament: Jesus Christ concealed
The New Testament: Jesus Christ revealed!
This truth of the Lord Christ boldly conveyed this in Luke 24 on the road to Emmaus
The Law, the Prophets and the teachings of Apostles: all of these point back to Jesus and the Gospel
So if the words of Christ is what the Word is about ultimately that should be what the sermon’s about (true!)
Forget applause you gotta let the Cross rock ya
All roads in the Bible lead to Golgotha
Whatever the text faithfulness demands that we should hear the echo of nails hitting His hands
Don’t try to be original, say the old story
And watch your people change as they behold glory

Chorus 3
The glory of Jesus we need to see this
Preach the Word, so preach the Word
Make Christ the centre so
new life can enter
Preach the Word, so preach the Word
Give us the whole counsel along with the Gospel
Preach the Word, so preach the Word
This is your duty: to show us God’s beauty
Preach the Word, so preach the Word!

So that’s it man, that’s the charge in Second Timothy chapter 4
Paul tells Timothy, he charges him, to preach the Word

And yo, there’s a lot of good resources out there

Spirit Empowered Preaching, by my man Arturo Azurdia
Christ-Centred Preaching, by Bryan Chapell
The Supremacy of God in Preaching by John Piper
Get these resources
More than anything: dig into the Word of God, meditate on it and give it to your people.

Grace and Peace.


I am a Christian,
My hope of salvation is found in Christ alone,
He is the only way, the truth and the light.
It is not obedience of the law that will make me stand blameless before God,
Neither is it the good works that I have done,
For to God, it is like filthy rags.

I am a Christian,
I am not worried about what will happen to me when I die,
For Christ has ransomed me from the power of the grave,
He has redeemed me from death,
Death has been swallowed up in victory,
Death has lost its sting
Hell has lost its victory! (1 Corinthians 15: 55; Hosea 13:14)

I am a Christian,
I am not haunted by my past,
All the wicked and most dreadful things I did,
Christ has taken them away, to the effect that, though they are as red as crimson he made them white as snow.
And my secret sin, the things I was once ashamed of,
Christ has taken; I am a new creation,
All my old things have passed away and He has made me new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

I am a Christian,
I no longer stand condemned before God,
Because I am in Christ,
The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death,
For the law simply condemned, it was like a mirror, showing me how wicked I am, how I fail to reach the standard of God and the Penalty of eternal damnation that awaited me, it failed to save me.
Yet God full of love sent his son to pay my punishment that I may simply come and confess and he would forgive me.

I am a Christian,
Christ has sprinkled clean water on me and made me clean,
He cleansed me from all my impurities and all my idols,
He gave me a new heart and a new spirit,
He removed my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh,
He put His Spirit in me and moves me to follow his decrees and to keep his law.
(Ezekiel 36:25-27).

I am a Christian,
Christ lifted me out of the slimy pit,
Out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth; a hymn of praise to God...

Are you a Christian?
Have you come to Christ and laid all your sin at his feet?
Do you have the assurance of salvation?
Come to him his hands are wide open to you....

By Elina Nawingwa